Neuroinclusion Strategy & Policy Development

Our experts will support you through the process of developing a strategy and operational plan, culminating in creating a policy for neuroinclusion within your organisation.


On completion of the workshops you’ll have:

  • A persuasive and compelling business case for the creation of a neuroinclusion policy.
  • Gain clarity and confidence about the actions required to develop, along with the necessary processes to establish and monitor a neuroinclusion strategy.
  • A clear understanding of what your neuroinclusion policy will look like and include.
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Our process

Over a series of three 90-minute workshops, our experts will support you through the process of developing a strategy and operational plan, culminating in creating a policy for neuroinclusion within your organisation.

Scoping Workshop

  1. Establish the rationale for a Neuroinclusion strategy, including motivations, vision, and the business case.
  2. Understand the organisation’s existing neurodiversity provision Identify key objectives and KPIs that align with corporate objectives.
  3. Review potential obstacles

Action Plan workshop

  1. Develop an action plan that aligns with the objectives
  2. Establish actions to ensure ongoing governance, transparency, and recognition Identify key stakeholders and resources.
  3. Feedback on the action plan from us.

Policy workshop

  1. Create a policy that defines the vision & goals and language & definitions.
  2. Sets out the policy in areas such as recruitment, development and retention (among other areas), cross-referencing with other HR policies.
  3. Feedback on the policy from us.

Who is it suitable for?

Our Neuroinclusion Strategy & Policy Development is ideal for Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) teams looking to align neuroinclusion with broader D&I and corporate objectives.

Why choose us?

  • Our programme has been developed in conjunction with D&I professionals and senior leaders. We understand the context, demands and obstacles you face when developing, delivering and monitoring a D&I strategy.
  • Our consultants have extensive experience working with D&I teams and line managers in a range of sectors including publishing, retail, technology, and financial services.
  • We can adapt our model to suit your business needs.


  • Remote delivery with Dr Deborah Leveroy or Mark Woodward.
  • 3 x 90-minute workshops.

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