Global AutoCorrect – Windows & Mac


Global AutoCorrect starts correcting your spelling as soon as it’s installed. It works with you in all programs, whether you’re on the web, preparing a presentation or simply connecting with friends.



Does spelling slow you down?

Constantly thinking about spelling mistakes takes time and interrupts the creative process of writing.

Install Global AutoCorrect

Global AutoCorrect works with you in all programs, whether you’re on the web, preparing a presentation or writing an email.

Just type!

The software runs in the background, intelligently correcting your spelling as you type.

Intelligent AutoCorrection

When you make a mistake, Global AutoCorrect analyses the sound patterns in the word to understand what you’re trying to spell. This intelligent correction happens instantly.

Add your own AutoCorrections

If there’s a chance you could have meant something else, Global AutoCorrect won’t just guess. Instead, you can pick the word you meant – just once – and it will be AutoCorrected in the future.

This software is compatible with both Windows and Mac systems. Click the tab for system requirements.

System Requirements for Windows

  • Windows 7 or later (Windows 10 compatible)
  • 1.5 GHz processor
  • 2GB RAM

System Requirements for Mac

  • Mac OS X 10.8 or later (Sierra compatible)
  • 64-bit Intel processor
  • 512 MB RAM
  • 512 MB of available disc space
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