How We Help

What do we do?

The Dyslexia Association provides a wide range of expert and high quality services to directly assist and improve the lives of dyslexics of all ages. We also provide advice and assistance to their families, educators and employers and work to raise awareness of the condition within the wider community.

Our team of specialists strive to deliver effective individual support in all cases, professionally and impartially. For more detailed guidance on the services The Dyslexia Association can offer, click on the relevant links below.


Our confidential Helpline service provides advice and guidance to anyone who has a concern or query about dyslexia.

Our Helpline is currently free, but relies on donations and funding from other services provided by The Dyslexia Association to continue to operate.


We provide dyslexia awareness presentations about specific learning difficulties and their impact. Training is specifically tailored to meet the needs of each audience.


A screening will identify if an individual has indicators of a specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia or dyscalculia.

It can provide useful insight into general areas of difficulty and can include a recommendation as to whether a formal diagnostic assessment is required


A definitive diagnosis of dyslexia for any individual requires a full and diagnostic assessment to be carried out by a competent and suitably qualified professional. The assessment itself will explore a range of skills and cognitive processing capabilities.

The resultant report will provide details on the nature and severity of any difficulties identified, as well as making recommendations as to how to best support the individual moving forward.


Our specialist tutors provide remote individually tailored tuition in literacy, numeracy and study skills for students of all ages and abilities.

Assistive Technology Training

We offer a number of different services for those who wish to make effective or more effective use of assistive technology.

Workplace Support

We offer a range of services to both employers and employees to ensure compliance with legislative requirements and improve productivity in the workplace.

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